The widespread effects of Coronavirus are catastrophic. Currently in Australia the infection rate is on the rise. The very nature of Sex Work, specifically intimate sexual Escort services to clients, is a very high risk environment for both Melbourne Escort and client; as both Escort and client may appear to be symptom free but have the Coronavirus. It’s important to understand that not everyone who has the Coronavirus necessarily shows symptoms.
The Coronavirus is bigger than just our business, High Class Escorts Melbourne. It is also bigger than just a single Escort who represents our brand, and it’s also bigger than a single client who books one of our lovely ladies. As if either or both (client and Escort) become infected, the knock-on effect can be deadly. It was not an easy decision to temporarily cease providing high class Melbourne Escorts services, however for the bigger better cause of health, it must come before profits.
As a High Class Melbourne Escort Agency, we have a responsibility to the Melbourne Escorts / Sex Workers who represent our Agency, our clients who book the lovely Escorts that are available through our Agency, and also to the wider community. We believe to date that we’ve done an excellent job at providing a safe, friendly, healthy and positive working environment that allows Sex Workers / Melbourne Escorts to flourish within our Agency, and the wider Sex Industry. Similarly, we have been successful in being able to look after the needs of our clients, whereby they can book an Escort with our Melbourne Escort Agency in confidence, knowing they will have a unique, personalised and satisfying high class Escort experience; while their privacy and security is paramount at all times. Combining these elements has attributed to the success and strength of our brand as a High Class Melbourne Escort Agency.
Currently vital health information to help curb the spread of Coronavirus infection is to implement social distancing.
In a nutshell, our Escort Agency provides Melbourne Escorts that offer intimate sexual services to clients. Female Melbourne Escorts for men and bisexual female Escorts for couples – these bookings are face to face and often one-on-one. Bisexual female Escorts for couples bookings often are two-on-one, one of our bisexual Melbourne Escorts and a male and female client, who are a part of a couple. We also have group bookings that could be comprised of a combination of heterosexual female Escorts and bisexual female Escorts, and a number of clients. Clients call our reception staff and can be very specific and explicit about the type of sexual service they’re looking for.
All Melbourne Escorts are at an increased risk of contracting and spreading Coronavirus due to the nature of Sex Work
As a business that provides clients with Melbourne Escorts that offer intimate sexual services, how are we meant to assist in implementing social distancing during an intimate booking? Condoms must be worn during all sexual services, to directly protect the sexual health of both Escort and client; however condoms offer no increased protection against the spread of Coronavirus.
Escorts and clients wear a protective facial mask? Watch each other masturbate from across the hotel room? Unsure how popular either of those options may be! Even the taking of temperature before each booking is not a fool proof way to ensure neither Escort nor client has the Coronavirus.
There is current banter within the Sex Industry suggesting that so long as there’s no kissing or deep French kissing (DFK), the risk of catching or spreading the Coronavirus is greatly minimised. We at High Class Escorts Melbourne don’t believe this to be even remotely true. We believe that the very nature of being an intimate sexual service provider puts both Escorts and clients at an increased risk of contracting and spreading Coronavirus than doing any other work – it simply is due to the nature of the work, having intimate contact. Current health information tells us that sitting in conferences and movie theatres is considered high risk; as a business we feel that connecting Escorts and clients together during this time is just too risky - we don’t want to knowingly participate in helping the Coronavirus spread.
The lovely ladies who are Melbourne Escorts within our Escort Agency are free to come and go as they please. They may work as a Melbourne Escort for a few days or a week straight, then not work for a few days, or even a week. Many ladies work and/or have holiday’s interstate, catch up with friends / family, shopping etc. Some ladies may go overseas to see family or just have a holiday; whether it was planned or last-minute, these are the joys of having a flexible work schedule. Given that currently the Coronavirus is spreading at an increased rate in all Australian states and there is no domestic travel restriction; it could be possible that an Escort returning from interstate has picked up the virus and returns to work showing no symptoms. It’s important to remember not everyone shows symptoms while contagious with Coronavirus.
The flip side applies to our lovely clients also. Many of our clients travel regularly for work, holidays, interstate guests, international guests, have friends, attend shopping centres etc. It is possible that one of our clients whether he just returned from interstate travel or had just been going about his usual weekly activities, who is not showing symptoms and not feeling unwell may book a lady; have a 3 hour intimate Escort booking and gives the Coronavirus to the lady who serviced his booking.
Our clients may or may not have young kids, but many of them have families and friends they associate with. Same goes for the lovely ladies who work as high class Melbourne Escorts; some have kids, and many have friends and families. The wider community / friends and family of our Melbourne Escorts and clients are at an increase risk if Escort or client becomes infected.
High Class Escorts Melbourne Wants To Minimise Coronavirus Risks For Everyone In Community
If a client calls our Agency and wants reassurance that the Melbourne Escort they are going to book doesn’t have the Coronavirus, we can’t say with certainty they don’t. Similarly, if any of our ladies want to ensure a client they are going to see doesn’t have the Coronavirus, are they to just take their word that they don’t? Even though our Melbourne Escort Agency doesn’t employ any Sex Worker directly, we simply provide advertising, a safe framework and screen clients on their behalf, we are still connecting them with a client who has called our Agency – we would feel terrible if a lady became ill with Coronavirus after seeing a client that was booked with us.
As a business, we wish to do everything we can to minimise all health risks at all times. However currently we believe the risk of the Coronavirus spreading is far too high between Escort and Client to ignore in our opinion, and as such we are no longer providing Melbourne Escorts services until it is safe to do so.
This decision has not been made lightly. The Coronavirus is uncharted territory for everyone around the world. It isn’t like the Global Financial Crisis, as the Coronavirus pandemic is a global health issue that is currently getting worse – people are losing their lives and loved ones.
We as a business spoke to each and every Sex Worker that works under our brand. Not all ladies were in support of this decision, primarily because of financial reasons. However the majority of ladies have been very understanding and supportive as to why we aren’t continuing Melbourne Escorts services at this time and that is to preserve their health, their family’s health, friend’s health etc. They also don’t want their clients to become ill, or anyone they know or see. The regular clients who we have told about this are in full support of our decision. They are appreciative that we are considering others beyond our own pocket.
Our Agency understands that this will negatively impact our managers, administration staff, drivers and of course the lovely Escorts and their families financially; however we still believe the greater health concern must come before financial gain for everyone. We encourage all Escorts and person-to-person Sex Workers to cease working at this time. The risk is far too high. There will be some workers who will choose profits over health, and that’s a choice that must sit well with an individual. As mentioned, as a business we believe facilitating clients and Escorts is just unsafe. We hope that if we all do everything we can to minimise contact with others, this global pandemic will come to a halt sooner rather than later. If Sex Workers continue to see clients face-to-face, and increase the spread of the Coronavirus, the negative impact financially and on health will be much longer lasting than if we all stop now.
You can still contact our Melbourne Escort Agency, but at this stage to minimise losses incurred from temporarily shutting our business we will not be answering our phones until further notice.
Again, we thank you for your understanding and hope none of you or your families fall ill to the Coronavirus.
We look forward to when it's safe to recommence providing our high class Melbourne Escorts service!
Nice to see a Escort Agency that gives a sh*t about its clients and Escorts.
I’m in Albert Park Melbourne. Any chance of a visit b edited 10pm this evening?
Are you open now?